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Community-Based Facility/Community Work Center

13501 Plant Road
Childersburg, AL 35044
Phone:  (256) 378-3821
Inmate Gender: Male
Inmate Population: 406

The Childersburg Community Based Facility and Community Work Center opened in 1990 and is located at 13501 Plant Road in Alpine, AL. The CBF offers educational, drug treatment and re-entry programs operating concurrently with the Community Work and Work Release programs.
Inmates may be assigned to work for various government agencies for paid employment. Inmates also work on the property, including a small farm project, and supporting educational or drug treatment programs. Childersburg’s small farm project produces fresh produce that reduces the facility’s outsourcing produce order by 80%-100% in the peak harvest seasons. Inmates in the Work Release program work for private employers in the community and are paid the prevailing wage. Work Release inmates not employed work on property or participate in work training classes through the Work Keys Program, administered by the Central Alabama Community College.
The facility’s vibrant religious community is served by a volunteer Chaplain and certified volunteers of all faiths. Religious opportunities are expansive, with structured services/programs occurring at the institution on a daily basis. Childersburg is classified as a minimum security institution.